The Band Perry's 'Don't Let Me Be Lonely' video explores life as a touring band. The clip show us how things play out while on the road, splicing footage of the sibling trio performing with scenes of them alternately combating boredom and enjoying the scenery that this sometimes rote, oftentimes glamorous lifestyle provides.

The band certainly offers a peek at what its professional life is like. We see them listening to their iPods, loading up their tour bus with gear, watching the scenery they're passing while on trains and boats and traveling to the next destination, hanging out in dressing rooms and texting or Facetiming with others. It's a mixture of mundane and thrilling, which is how the lifestyle is for most bands.

These few minutes capture their existence. Despite the sometimes wistful nature of living out of a suitcase and traveling to play music, there are scenes of the band on stage, clearly loving and living for what they do. It makes all the downtime worth it.

So while you may not know what it is like to be in an actively touring band, the Band Perry offer a bite-sized taste of that existence with their 'Don't Let Me Be Lonely' video. Go ahead -- disappear into that world for a few minutes.

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