Never been married, Don't know what it's all about! I do know this though, every time I have trivia questions on the morning show where the question is a battle of the sexes, the response is so interesting to almost intense.

30 years together
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While doing research for the show I ran across this item, The 30 Best Ways to Stay Married for 30 years!

Now, I really don't know if I really need or want something in my life for 30 years, but here we go, some of the suggestions are; Treat everyday as a fresh start.  Offer forgiveness and grace.  Accept both in return. Then we have; Love his/her family. No matter what. Love is different than like. If you also like them, then consider yourself lucky. Others include kiss a lot, put parents first and kids second. Any way, check out the complete list and start to cultivate that relationship. I'll check back with you in 30 years! Good Luck!


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