CAUTION!! This is GROSS. Before you click the play icon, remember, I warned you! Now, I have several questions. First, with all of the warnings I just posted, why are you continuing reading this? It's like a train wreck, you just can't turn away can you!

George Marks/Getty Images
George Marks/Getty Images

Second, how in the (fill in the blank here) can any person let a blackhead remain on their body for 25 years? Third, why would anyone want to help someone else remove a 25 year old blackhead off their body?

What is a blackhead? According to

Acne occurs when the pores of the skin become clogged, inflamed, and sometimes infected. These clogged pores can result in blackheads, whiteheads, or pimples. Acne is common in teenagers, but can also occur in adults. Acne starts in the skin's sebaceous glands. These glands secrete an oily substance called sebum. The sebum normally travels through a tiny hair follicle from the gland to the skin's surface. Sometimes the sebum becomes trapped,  mixing with dead skin cells and bacteria. This causes clogged pores called comedones.
Now that we know what a blackhead is, with out delay, here is the video I warned you about. If you (like I am) get impatient, fast forward to 4:30 to get to the meat of the video.( sorry, maybe "meat" is not the right word) You've been warned again, this is a total grossed out way to spend 6 minutes.

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