Spider Man

Dunkirk Rockets to #1
Dunkirk Rockets to #1
Dunkirk Rockets to #1
What did you see this weekend? Was it the dour World War II epic? The raunchy New Orleans sex comedy? Or the movie where Cara Delevingne shoves her head into a telepathic jellyfish’s butt? Truly, with options like this, anyone who complains about the death of cinema has no idea what they’re talking about. Anyways, here’s the box office numbers through Sunday afternoon:
Spider FOllow up
Spider FOllow up
Spider FOllow up
And in other Spider-Man news…It looks like Sony and Marvel are just as pleased as the rest of us with Spider-Man: Homecoming. Following the box office success of the web-crawler’s latest reboot, the studios are reportedly sticking with director Jon Watts for the untitled sequel, slated to hit theaters in 2019. Thankfully, we won’t have to wait that long to see Tom Holland’s charming high school superhero back on the big screen, as the actor is set to reprise the spectacular role in Avengers: Infinity War.
Spider-Man Drops
Spider-Man Drops
Spider-Man Drops
Who would you rather fight, a million spider-sized ape or one ape-sized spider? It’s a question that’s been haunting my mind since, oh, about an hour ago when I started to look up the box office numbers for this past weekend. And while I might not be any closer to solving my riddle, I can at least say this: when it comes to week-old spiders versus brand new primates, the primates are destined to win. Here’s the box office numbers as of Sunday afternoon:
Spiderman Kicks!
Spiderman Kicks!
Spiderman Kicks!
Did any new releases come out this weekend? I honestly can’t remember. Someone mentioned that there was a new Marvel movie in theaters - one featuring some sort of Spider-Person - but that can’t be right. I feel like I would’ve seen that, perhaps promoted on an unprecedented level for any superhero movie? Hmm. Well, anyways, here’s the weekend box office estimates as of Sunday afternoon: