20 years ago this week, the country was captivated by a white Ford Bronco involved in a slow-speed highway chase in California. In the back of the Bronco was former NFL running back O.J. Simpson, who stood accused of murdering Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.

What followed was one of the most watched TV events ever, with millions glued to their sets to find out what would happen to Simpson.

As we all know, Simpson was acquitted of murder, though he was found liable for the wrongful death of Goldman and stabbing of Brown Simpson.

We decided to see how much our staff remembered 20 years after the fact and, it turns out, they remember quite a bit. You can see how much they knew exactly in the video above.

So, where were you during the infamous White Bronco chase? Do you remember the names of the major players in the O.J. trial?

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