Here we go again! I love these top poll survey's that are published. I think this is good though, depending on your opinion on how long you last?? According to, North Dakota ranks in the top 20 in terms of lasting the longest in sex!

WIS Bernard/Getty Images
WIS Bernard/Getty Images

It seems like we as a nation are getting obsessed with tracking our behavior and heck, why not track this activity? Apparently, there is a phone app that can keep track of that type of activity in the bedroom, or wherever you do these sort of activities. According to the article  "The Spreadsheets App,is a mobile app that uses your phone's accelerometer and speakers to provide statistical feedback about your duration, thrusts, and decibel peak, is taking big data to the bedroom."  That just seems to add more pressure, no pun intended.

Bloomberg/Getty Images
Bloomberg/Getty Images

According to the story, North Dakota can lasts 3 minutes and 18 seconds! I can microwave popcorn in that amount of time! The states that perform better than North Dakota are New Mexico at number one with a whopping 7 minutes and 1 second. (that would equal microwaving a TV dinner) and Utah, Alabama, Idaho and Missouri are all in the top 10! The folks to the south of us have ranked 50th, South Dakota can get it done in one minute and 30 seconds. That's rabbit fast! Ranked 51st is Alaska with a record 1 minute and 21 seconds, but I guess I can see that, as it's pretty cold there most year round in Alsaka!  Am I wrong to think that those men that are prescribed Viagra, what a waste?  Maybe an idea would be to break the little blue pill into 1/4's and get the most out of.. well, you know what I'm saying! Don't ya? Maybe not?

The complete list is rather amusing! Where would you rank?



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